Questions we've heard from you:

How can I talk to my child about COVID19?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty and things that may harm us. For many of us, the coronavirus and the COVID-19 illness make for a very uncertain future. People worry about their own health and the health of their loved ones, here and abroad. Anxiety can also cause the opposite reaction: denial or refusing to believe that the situation is serious. Denial is unhelpful. Please refer to this letter and the mental health & wellbeing page within this site for some useful ideas about working through this challenging time. Lastly it is important to be kind to yourself. This is an anxious and stressful time for everyone, and it is okay if you feel more anxious than usual, and it is important for you to manage your mental wellbeing.

How can I support learning at home?

Some of the most beneficial things you can do to support your child’s learning are to take an interest in what they are learning about, offer support when there are questions, and ask questions about the learning to the child. This document shows examples of questions you can ask your child before, during, and/or after an activity to help engage them in the learning.

Will my child be graded on the work they do at home?

It is important to note that Learn At Home activities provided by the Ministry of Education are not mandatory and will not be graded, but are meant as supplementary resources to support independent practice at home.
Your child's teacher will be providing links and work as well. Look for communication from them through email or Edsby notifications.

Supplementary resources for you and your child will be available on this site.

My child is in Grade 12, how will the school closure affect their graduation?

While there is much uncertainty about how events will unfold, the Minister of Education has stated this in regards to Graduation, “We know for those with children in a graduating year, there may be uncertainty about whether these students will be able to graduate. We want to make this clear: no graduating student will have their ability to graduate impacted by the two-week closure and the COVID19 developments.”

For students who are graduating this year, the literacy graduation requirement will be waived. Students who are not graduating this year will have the opportunity to write the OSSLT in the 2020-21 school year.

SCCDSB staff are making plans for continuation of learning so that students have opportunities to work towards achieving credits for graduation, from home during school closures.